


Today, when marriage and chat with friends, occasionally mentioned: the vision of the elderly or very accurate, because they, after all, have read so many years of experienced, Then is also a grain of truth, and now want is, first of all in the economic life is considerable, will produce a great deal of contrast, an argument for the money, Then Who in his heart since there is no better or who is so since, as a person's growth can not be separated from his home, his family, he exchanges between the living environment and the environment, it will be left on him a number of invisible things, love is temporary and the reality of marriage is a long time, so in love twilight and the Federation of China and the United States was replaced by the reality of life, most of them are is dependent with the conventions of, for whom left themselves very little change, it is difficult, said, Therefore depends on the family of man, family financial situation, character, as a lover, can not hurt him (her), concern Then he (she) is correct my behavior, my how to self-cultivation and quality of marriage and respect for how to into degrees, the kind of good as long as I do not get too concerned about his (her) house perspectives on the line is not good; only see my family is poor; because the family is an integral and not to look at momentary appearance, education, is holding the money, not just look at the moment, there must be a period of interaction, to understand each other a chance to, do not flash marriage ,,,,,, The family, there were major issues must be carefully analyzed the question of the reasons behind the formation of the problem, because while words can hardly credible. A real normal life, there is pain there is heat a home, whether their own or to future generations is very important! Into the marriage, the most important Xinshu, I do not know how others see it is a little bit of my experience was down for a watch. 哥哥你还苯呢嘛 ,加油。



编辑本段|回到顶部概念   婚姻自由,是指婚姻当事人按照法律的规定在婚姻问题上所享有的充分自主的权利,任何人不得强制或干涉。 编辑本段|回到顶部婚姻自由的特征   ⒈婚姻自由是法律赋予公民的1种权利。   我国《宪法》第49条规定“禁止破坏婚姻自由”;现行《婚姻法》第2条规定“实行婚姻自由”,第3条规定“禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为”,第5条规定“结婚必须男女双方完全自愿”。可见,婚姻自由是由法律所规定并受法律所保护的1种权利。任何人,包括当事人父母,都不得侵犯这种权利;否则就是违法行为。使用暴力,构成犯罪的,要依照《刑法》暴力干涉婚姻自由罪予以制裁。   ⒉婚姻自由的行使必须符合法律的规定。   婚姻自由和公民的其他任何权利1样,不是绝对自由,而是相对自由。行使婚姻自由权,必须在法律规定的范围内进行,我国婚姻法明确规定了结婚的条件与程序、离婚的条件与程序,这些规定划清了婚姻问题上合法与违法的界限。凡符合法律规定,即为合法行为,受法律保护;不符合法律规定那个大,即为违法行为,不受法理保护。因此,婚姻自由的权利,既不允许任何人侵犯,也不允许当事人滥用。 编辑本段|回到顶部婚姻自由的内容   ⒈结婚自由   结婚自由,是指婚姻当事人有依法缔结婚姻关系的自由。当事人是否结婚,与谁结婚,是其本人的权利,任何人无权干涉。自愿是实现婚姻自由的前提,双方意思表示1致是婚姻以互爱为基础的必要条件。但自愿必须不违背法律规定的条件和程序,因为结婚自由决不意味着当事人可以在婚姻问题上为所欲为。在结婚自由上问题上,包办强迫或干涉他人婚姻的行为是被反对的,各种轻率行为也是被反对的。结婚双方都必须要符合《婚姻法》里关于结婚的法定条件。   ⒉离婚自由   离婚自由,是指夫妻有依法解除婚姻关系的自由。既然婚姻的成立和维系都应以爱情为基础,那么当双方或社会都幸事。把离婚1律看成悲剧是不适当的。与其说离婚动摇了以前存在的稳定的家庭关系,甚至加速了原来具有约束力的婚姻关系的公开解体,不如说离婚制度为那些无法共同生活的夫妻,那些因为无法解除名存实亡的婚姻、而遭受痛苦的人们提供了救济的办法。对于已经死亡的婚姻,离婚无疑是1个很好的方法,也有利于维护双方的权利。   但离婚是1项重要的法律行为,它关系到家庭的稳定、子女的幸福。正如1些有识之士所言:结婚、离婚、再结婚、再离婚,作为1种个人自由必须与社会利益1起来被权衡利弊得失,因此这种自由是建立在他人利益之上的,这些人通常包括子女、配偶、纳税人乃至整个社会。   在保障离婚自由的同时,我们反对轻率离婚。因为离婚意味着婚姻关系的解除,将会引发1系列的法律后果,对当事双方及家庭、社会都会造成1定影响。所以不能滥用离婚自由。人们对待离婚问题1定要慎重。民政部门、人民法院对于离婚1般首先要调解,以减少轻率离婚现象。
